Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sustainable Living

I found this article on Stumble. I love the idea. Although I know we can't all do this, I still love the idea. The article follows.

We came across this house on Anemone, and thought we needed to share! Simple and un-flashy, the owners moved out into the New Zealand woods to build their house with recycled lumber, windows and doors. An organic vegetable garden and a wood-burning stove are just a few of the ways they intend to live as simply and sustainably as possible...

The owner bought the lumber from a mill with unused logged trees that had been sitting there for years. All the windows and doors were sourced from thrift stores, dumps, and the side of the road. The wood-burning stove provides all the necessary heat for the home: it warms the rooms, heats all the water, and of course, it cooks as well. Rainwater is collected in tanks and then run through the home's plumbing system. Right now the bathroom is outside (!), but there are plans to complete an indoor bathroom soon, and to make it a sawdust composting toilet.

It's inspiring to see people taking this life so seriously, and it can be a little overwhelming as well. Clearly moving out to the bush is not an option for many of us, even if we wanted it. That's why Kimberlee of Anemone reminds us that there are still things we can do, however small, that help "lighten the load." Try to use less. Less space, less resources, less waste. Shop locally. Support small businesses. Try not to commute too far, or at least carpool or ride the subway. Share your resources, like public transportation, parks and libraries.

It might not be a house in the woods, but it's something.

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